“At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine, a fine marriage, or air. It is also a free pass to friendship.”
~ Benjamin Cheever, Strides

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Push Present

Sarah may kill me if I don't publish this post ASAP....sooo....

Apparently, it is tradition for the husband to get his wife a present for carrying and pushing out a baby.  Several people told Mark of this tradition and apparently he intended to get me something, even knew what he wanted to buy, but didn't follow through until this past week.  Mark is not a big gift giver.

Funny - I was just teasing him about it last weekend.  I'm weaning Avery after several issues of mastitis and other assorted breast injuries.  (Apparently, this is why I had a fever on Tuesday.)  Because I am weaning, I teased him about how long he intended to wait to get the push present - until she was teething?  graduated from college?  I guess he took it to heart - poor guy.  (It is rather difficult being married to me).   On Monday, he came home with a little bag from Tiffany's. 
For me???
Inside was a cute little necklace with a charm with an "A" on it.  A for Angry Avery.  

I love it - and Avery has already decided that she rather enjoys grabbing the chain when I am holding her.  This could get dangerous.

On the mastitis - apparently "Weaning increases the risk of a breast infection turning into a breast abscess that requires surgical draining."  Um.  That does not sound like fun.  I've been back to pumping a bit to relieve swelling and prevent blocked ducts after a painful bout.  Hopefully that will prevent further injury.  If the fever comes back or the inflammation returns, I'll be off to the doctor.  I know, I know, TMI.  On the bright side - running will be easier without nursing!

Do you like to give gifts?  

How do you react when you get a fever?  I tend to be freezing no matter what - and I'm usually never cold.


  1. FINALLY! It's cute, but definitely watch for the baby choke grip. I once had an autistic kid rip a gold chain right off my neck (his father very sweetly paid for a new one). And I cannot wait to see the kind of spam comments you get with so many uses of the word breast. Tee-hee!

  2. Ok. My neck hurts just thinking about the chain being ripped off my neck. LOL!

    And honestly, I didn't even think about how often I used the word breast - I had to go back and look. HA!


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